SubSea Structural Technologies


About us

3ST – SubSea Structural Technologies Ltd. company was established in 2022 in Flanders, Belgium to further continue the work that was already started in 2021 on the development of an innovative bottom-fixed foundation concept for large offshore wind turbines of 15 to 27 MW in waters up to 70 m deep. The foundation concept is called EcoGBF, an Economical/Ecological Gravity-Based Foundation (GBF) in steel (PCT patent pending). Feasibility studies have proved that EcoGBF is a viable solution for large turbines and deep waters. It is also more economical and ecological than monopiles for difficult soils and shallow bedrocks. EcoGBF is currently on Technology Readiness Level TRL3.

Extreme Sports Bike

source: Sif Netherlands b.v.

Advantages of EcoGBF


Feasible for large turbines(>15 MW, cf. monopiles)


Economical at 30-70 m water depths and difficult soils (cf. jacket, GBF)

Reduced craneage

Reduced craneage for T&I, and feasibility of afloat T&I


Ecologic, sustainable, restore marine ecosystem, noise-free installation

Short lead time

Industrialized serial production of repetitive components by different steel supply chain sectors

Offshore wind

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